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Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
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� Countdown to so much godliness �
��� Prev : : 2002-07-21 4:12 a.m. : : Next ���
I saw pineapple and marby today, we watched the professional and half of the fith element, because the dvd was broken so we could only get half, poop i wanted to see it all hehe. Pineapple pissed me off. hes taking care of himself now, now that we're broken up. 8 months of me begging him to, just so that it felt like he cared about me and NOW he does it? I think hes trying to get with someone else. which makes me feel great cause shes important enough to bathe for. fuck him its over anyway. Lancelot comes down in 5 days! Holy shit yay! Im so excited. They better let me fucking bathe before then lol. Im so pissed they like wont let me shower. and if my doctor doesn't say i can on monday (monday he takes the tape off now. see a patern?) then Ill beat him over the head with somthing. seriously is it too much to ask to want to clean yourself? and if he says he has to leave the tape on longer, Im jsut going to cry. IM GOING TO FUCKING TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER PRETTY SOON OR HEADS WILL ROLL!!!!! Lancelot is prepping his resume, IM SO EXCITED!!!!! Jesus its great! well, it will be great if he gets the job, thats a big if I think. but even if he doesn't, (god forbid hehe) (sorry catholic mother habbit ;P) its still a great opertunity for him, just the expiriance alone. I have the System concert tommorrow HOORAH! and Im tired so Ill rest. Lancelot in 5 days, concert tommorrow, well, in like 14 hours ;P and hoo yay!
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