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Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
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� The Calm Before the Storm �
��� Prev : : 2001-01-10 23:07:09 : : Next ���
Hey all. I was feeling a little down and out, so I got a new dew, new watch, waxed, buffed, and tweezed. Now I'm all Shiney, and I look alot older, a deffinite plus. we went to Bloomies for the watch, and this fat old woman gave me the most horrific look, I gave her the finger. Stupid close-minded morons. I'm watching a commercial for a "hair-agami" I hope they know that adding "agami" to something doesn't make it Japanese, or a good idea. I have to go in for IQ testing tommorrow, four hours of it, then I go back to school a debut my new look. maybe I'll turn some heads ;) I buffed my lips, now their fuller and poutier. it that a word? pouty-er, hmmmmm. I'm going to go do some Yoga, eat some Sushi, then fall asleep in a little satin heaven, ah sweet decadence.
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