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Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Moved - Friday, Aug. 20, 2004
Click here and tell me what your thinking, or I'll stomp your butt!

� Chris <3 �
��� Prev : : Sunday, May. 23, 2004 3:38 a.m. : : Next ���
Eeee! Chris and I got back together! I�m so happy, there are no words! It makes me do this dance *dances* except with far more joy. He asked me to keep my journal for him daily, so I will do that. I miss him soo much.

I finally met Brandon! Lol. We drove around aimlessly, went to the mall and ate chocolate and chicken ceasar wraps, and we went to Paddles, TES fest was going on there, at least a part of it. We met a couple there who took us to see Tes Fest at the Penn. Hotel. It made me kinda sad, I wished that my owner was there� We couldn�t get in though, it cost $90 just for a day pass! Eep! Besides that, it was closed to buy passes after midnight. I really want to go to the next Tes Fest with my owner, its three days, with a giant dungeon open 24 hours a day, TES rents out a floor of the Pennsylvania Hotel. Its so cool. I told Brandon him and his sub (which he will meet by then, that�s my intention. ;) ) and Chris and I should all go together. It would be exciting. :)

Brandon has to stay the night, I'm making him sleep in Cameron's room, Cam is going to sleep on the floor here, I think Chris would be most comfortable with that. I want to make him happy and feel loved.

Hmm I�m sleepy, but I promised I would write so IM trying to think of something thoughtful�

I love Chris.

That�s all that�s on my mind right now, that and elation. :)

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